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Communicating vs. Connecting

A great friend got me a subscription to Success Magazine as a Christmas present...

(thanks Liza!)

And every month I wait for it to hit my mailbox.

I am always so excited for the little bonus CD they include

This month, Darren Hardy talks about Communicating vs. Connecting

And it totally hit home

I communicate alot

I have email, Facebook, internet everything on my phone

I get hundreds of emails a week

I communicate with my friends and family

in person, on the phone

I skype with family from all over the world

I attend meetings

I have coffee with friends

I chat with my girls when I pick them up from school

I communicate all day long...

But am I Connecting?

So I am giving myself this little assignment...

No more multi-tasking while communicating

No emailing while I am on the phone (unless I am on hold with the cable company)

No making mental to-do lists while talking to someone

I will make a genuine effort to connect with every interaction I have

This will be no easy task in a world that is flooded with a million ways

to distract yourself!

Enjoy your Tuesday!

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